Graphic Design
Youth Organization
A Vivid Annual Report - AIESEC Canada
An organization striving for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s potential, AIESEC in Canada set out to understand its customers' needs regarding cross-cultural exchange programs that they have been running since 1958, and how that perspective has changed in today’s world. Keeping up with the trends of the 2010s they set out to create their annual report for the year 2019. My mission was to encompass the branding and yearly achievements of the organization in one place.
The Outcome
I designed the annual report from the ground up, encompassing the visual aspect of an organization that at the core of it is vivid, youthful and bold.

The Outcome

The Outcome
I designed the annual report from the ground up, encompassing the visual aspect of an organization that at the core of it is vivid, youthful and bold.

The Impact
AIESEC in Canada has seen many changes over the years, among them the change in visual identity and how they expressed themselves. As a youth organization that strives for a purpose, they needed to compress and showcase that aspect on paper.
The annual report, even to this day is a snapshot of AIESEC in Canada's achieved goals and organizational culture at that moment in time.
In its final form, it is a document that reflects the youthfulness, purpose and goals that were achieved that year by the organization.

Eye-catching beyond our expectations
Farouk Shoukry
AIESEC in Canada President 2020-2021
The best thing to say about working with Adrian is the ease and competence he brings to the task. He only required minimal instructions to perfectly design our annual report. The output was very professional and eye-catching beyond our expectations. When you reach out for help on design, you want someone who can get the job done with care and with minimal time commitment from you, and that's what you get with Adrian!